
Gajillion of Things To Do

Sigh, after the holidays, my work load seems to have doubled...well, actually, it didn't but that one week holiday makes it look like I have a lot of work XD Well, Oscura is getting more fun to do cause I have some idea's on how to make the storyline much more fun to read as well as to make it easier for the readers to empathize with the characters, I hope ^_^ And I also did a new one page pin-up for my series(Newtype anyone? XD) which I hope to do for the other series in JOM!

The deadline to send in our works for Comics Fiesta looms closer...I just hope I can finish my comic and that fanart poster I wanted to do ;_;

Well, here's one eyecandy for you guys

Conan the Babaria (As my cousin said it when she was a toddler)

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